Due to lower than expected returns on Coho salmon, WDFW has closed the Snohomish system to retention of wild Coho. You will still be able to retain hatchery fish...
Pink salmon fishing will close effective September 22nd for the entire Snohomish system. With the poor fishing we have seen this season we have all wondered why it wasn't closed sooner...
The pink salmon fishing in the Snohomish River has improved over the past week. We have had a number of customers that have caught their three fish limit...
The Snohomish will open from Hwy 9 to the confluence of the Skykomish & Snoqualmie tomorrow August 16th. This section is open for pinks and coho with a four fish limit of which only three can be coho...
Salmon fishing in the Northwest is off to a good start! We're getting tons of reports from our customers who are catching pinks and coho in the Puget Sound area...