October 8, 2020 Hatchery Coho Limit Increased On Skagit River WDFW has increased the hatchery coho limit on the Skagit River. You are now able to keep two additional hatchery coho through October 31st... Read now
October 4, 2018 Grays And West Fork Grays Rivers To Close For Hatchery Coho Though these closures have little effect upon anglers in our area, once again we are seeing additional closures due to poor returns of not only wild fish but hatchery origin fish also... Read now
October 21, 2016 Nisqually Opens For Hatchery Coho And Other Gamefish As the Coho egg taking requirements have been obtained for the Nisqually, WDFW is opening it for retention of hatchery Coho and other gamefish... Read now