Preseason Forecasts For Columbia River Salmon Runs
Preliminary forecasts for 227,000 Upriver Spring Chinook run will nearly double the 2013 returns of 123,100 fish. Officials say that projection would make it the fifth highest return of these fish in the last 34 years.
The news was also good for the Bright Fall Chinook, with fish mangers expecting to see the same number of adult returns as we saw in 2013, or approximately 555,400 fish. This would was nearly twice what was predicted and the second highest number of Jacks returned since the 1985 and ’86 seasons. Managers from the three states suggested that the fall Chinook returns could be as large as 2013, and we can expect to see a strong showing of 4 year olds.
The predictions for the number of Sockeye and Coho are also up, according to state officials.
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