Portion Of Columbia River To Reopen For Coho Retention
Hatchery coho retention reopening in portions of the Columbia River mainstem
Action: Reopens hatchery coho retention from Tongue Point to the Dalles Dam.
Effective date: Oct. 18 through Oct. 31, 2019.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Location: Columbia River, from a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to red navigation marker 2 at Tongue Point on the Oregon bank to Bonneville Dam (Rocky Point/Tongue Point Line) to the Dalles Dam.
Salmon and steelhead rules by location:
- From the Rocky Point/Tongue Point Line to the Hood River Bridge: Min. size 12”. Daily limit 6, up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all steelhead and salmon other than hatchery coho.
- From the Hood River Bridge to the Dalles Dam: Min. size 12”. Daily limit 6, up to 2 adults may be retained. Release all steelhead and salmon other than coho.
Reason for action: Opportunity to target hatchery coho is available in the Columbia River mainstem. Impacts to listed steelhead and Chinook are expected to be minimal and within allowed impact limits.
Additional information: Hatchery coho and hatchery steelhead fisheries downstream of Bonneville are anticipated to follow permanent rules starting Nov. 1, as listed in the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet. Fishery managers will continue to monitor the run and evaluate for possible future openings. Anglers can follow emergency rule changes at https://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/.
Please see the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional rules or visit the WDFW website at https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations.
Information contact: Region 5 Ridgefield office, 360-696-6211; Region 3 Yakima Office, 509-575-2740.
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