Lower Samish River Closing To All Fishing
Lower Samish River to close to all fishing
Action: Close part of the Samish River to all fishing.
Effective dates: Sept.15, 2018 until further notice.
Species affected: All species.
Location: From the mouth (Bayview –Edison Road) to I-5 bridge
Reasons for action: The return of fall chinook to the Samish Hatchery is currently projected to be below the number needed to meet egg take goals for 2018. Closing the fishing season in the lower Samish River will increase the number of hatchery fish available for broodstock and help ensure future hatchery returns.
Other information: The season will be reopened if egg take needs are projected to be met. Please refer to https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/ for further information on seasons.
Information Contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, 425 775-1311
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