Latest Columbia River Catch Record Statistics For Spring Chinook Though April 5th
During April 1-5, anglers on the lower Columbia made 21,297 trips and caught 3,994 adult Chinook (3,439 kept and 555 released) and 87 steelhead (34 kept and 53 released). Based on VSI sampling, upriver fish comprised 76% of the kept catch.
From Feb. 1-April 5, there have been an estimated 67,717 angler trips with 6,015 adult spring Chinook kept and 991 released. 4,460 (74%) of the Chinook kept were upriver origin based upon Visual Stock Identification (VSI).
From Feb. 1-April 5, there have been an estimated 67,717 angler trips with 6,015 adult spring Chinook kept and 991 released. 4,460 (74%) of the Chinook kept were upriver origin based upon Visual Stock Identification (VSI).
Prior to the run update, allocation of upriver fish (including release mortalities) for non-Indian fisheries will be:
10,318 fish for the recreational fishery below Bonneville Dam.
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