Lake Chelan Area Report For 1/07/2014

What’s continues into the New Year is trolling the trench for Lake Trout on Lake Chelan. Also continuing hot is bait fishing off the docks and trolling the lower basin of Lake Chelan for rainbow trout.
Roses Lake has safe ice now and is being fished lightly. Fishing is fairly slow for planter rainbows.
Working depths of 190 to 245 feet from Rocky Point to Pat and Mike’s at speeds of 1.1 to 1.4 mph within 5 feet of the bottom continues to be incredibly productive. Silver Horde’s Ace Hi Flies, Needlefish squiddy’s and Kingfisher Lite spoons have produced numbers of fish from two to five pounds with the odd bigger fish thrown in to keep things interesting. Mack’s Lures Squidders and Worden Lures Flatfish in glow colors will also catch nice numbers of fish.
If you like to fish for rainbow trout and are shore bound, this is a great time of the year for you. Dunking Pautzke’s Firebait in American Wildfire off of a 30” leader from the docks and shore at Mill Bay can get you some Rainbow trout. Some of these fish will stretch to 20 inches or better although most will be a foot or so. Troll Mack’s Lures wedding rings behind a dodger or Worden Lures venerable Roostertail to catch rainbows if you have a boat.
Your fishing tip of the week is to remember to change things up once in a while to see if you can get different or bigger fish to bite. The two things that you can change are Location and Presentation. We are running up above the Narrows trying to find those big fish that tend to show up in the second half of the winter. We sometimes will run up to or over 2mph to trigger different populations of fish. I must say that what we advise above has been very productive as you can see by checking out the recent pictures on the web site.
The kid’s tip of the week is to plan an outing to one of the upcoming sportsman’s shows in the region. The Shuyler’s put on great shows in Pasco and Yakima. The O’Loughlin’s have the regions big show in Puyallup. There is always a kid’s fishing pond and usually other kid-friendly activities to make a nice day of it.
The safety tip of the week is to remember safety when ice fishing at Roses Lake. Carrying a couple of spikes on a lanyard looped over your neck will help you get yourself out if you manage to take that unexpected plunge. Also a change of clothes kept handy in a water proof bag will keep the uncomfortable from becoming the dangerous.
Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service
509-687-0709 or visit our web site at:
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