Halibut Closed May 21st In Marine Areas 3 & 4
May 20, 2015
Halibut fishing to close in Marine Areas 3 and 4 (Neah Bay and La Push)
Action: Close the recreational halibut fishery in Marine Areas 3 and 4 (Neah Bay and La Push) on Thursday May 21. The fishery will re-open for one more day on Saturday May 23.
Effective date: May 20, 2015
Species affected: Pacific halibut
Location: Marine Areas 3 and 4
Reason for action: There is sufficient quota to keep the recreational Pacific halibut fishery in Marine Area 3 and 4 open for one more day. After consultation with sport fishery representatives in Neah Bay and La Push, and taking into consideration weather forecast, the Washington North Coast (Marine Catch Areas 3 and 4) recreational Pacific halibut fishery will be closed on Thursday, May 21, and open on Saturday, May 23. Bottomfishing is closed seaward of the 20 fathom line on days not open to the recreational halibut fishery, including Thursday, May 21. The 108,030 pound quota is projected to be reached by the end of the May 23. This rule conforms to federal action taken by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC).
Information contact: Heather Reed, (360) 249-4628 ext. 202
This closure in my opinion shows how bad the management is at WDFW. I know that we are under quotas but when the department can close a fishery at the last minute when so many have already made arrangements for time off from work, moorage, places to stay etc.. There is no wonder the deparment has little respect with the sportsman. It just seems to be getting worse with each passing day. What's next?
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