Gibbs Wee G Spoons - Now In Stock
Ted's Sports Center now has 11 colors of the Gibbs Wee G Spoons in stock at the present time. We are unpacking them at the moment. In the past month there were a few samples that had made their way to a select few to test out. The results have been outstanding and rumors flew about the effectiveness of these spoons. We have had a multitude of calls asking if we had them. Until today all we could say was that they were on oder and should arrive soon. Well, they have arrived! We have them in the following colors:
Gold Nugget
Irish Cream
Trap Shack
No Banannas
Bon Chovy
Killy Magee
We have the Herring Aide color on order, but have no idea of when we might see them.
Cost on these spoons is $6.59ea. You can stop by or we can ship them to you. Give us a call. We'll try and get them on the mail order portion of our website shortly.
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