Columbia River Below Bonneville Dam Reopens For Summer Chinnok Fishing
Columbia River below Bonneville Dam summer chinook fishing reopens
Action: Re-opens for adult chinook retention in the Columbia River.
Effective date: July 11 through July 31, 2014.
Species affected: Adult hatchery chinook.
Area: Mainstem Columbia River from The Astoria Megler Bridge upstream to Bonneville Dam.
Daily bag limit: Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily salmonid limit is 6 fish. Up to 2 may be adult salmon or hatchery steelhead or 1 of each. Release all salmon other than hatchery chinook and sockeye.
Reason for action: Harvestable numbers of hatchery chinook and sockeye remain available based on the in-season forecast update, associated management agreements, and harvest estimates to date.
Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010.
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