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Chinook Rentention To Close In Marine Area 5, July 30th

Chinook retention to close in Marine Area 5

Action: Closes Chinook retention.

Effective date: July 31, 2020 until further notice.

Species affected: Chinook salmon.

Location: Marine Area 5.

Rule: Salmon daily limit 2. No min. size. Release all Chinook, chum, and wild coho.

Reason for action: The pre-season agreed to legal Chinook encounter threshold is expected to be met by the end of the day Thursday, July 30, 2020.

Additional information: Anglers are reminded that if Chinook are caught legally in adjacent Marine Areas they can be transported through and landed in Marine Area 5. However, anglers may not fish in Marine Area 5 with a Chinook, or any other fish not legal to harvest in that area, onboard their vessel.

Please be sure to check the emergency rules webpage for fishery updates.

Information contact: Fish Program 360-902-2700

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