Chelan Report From Anton Jones - Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service 6/8/14

What’s heating up is fishing the “Bar” in the mornings for Lake Trout. Also, finally heating up is Kokanee fishing in the lower basin. Additionally, Omak Lake is blistering hot for Lahontan Cutthroat.
While Colyar ledge continues to provide good action in the mornings on Lake Chelan for Mackinaw, the “Bar” is heating up. June is normally the time where the Bar will kick out some nice double digit fish. Worden Lures T4 flatfish in GPLF has proven to be the go to lure for enticing those big fish. However, Silver Horde’s Needlefish squid rigged with a Mack’s Lure Smile Blade has been our most consistent bite producer. Pounding piles of fish in Manson Bay is a great way to while away the evenings and catch a bunch of 1.5 to 3 pound Lakers.
We have finally had some success with Chelan’s Kokanee. Fishing 60 feet deep in the lower basin with Mack’s Lure wedding rings and mini squid rigs baited with Pautzke’s Fire Corn have gotten these delicious Landlocked Sockeye to bite.
Omak Lake is producing 10 fish an hour using Kingfisher Lite spoons in glow green color. While some fish are 12 to 14 inches, every trip produces a bragging size cut.
Your fishing tip of the week is to remember to check your gear periodically when trolling. Towing around lures that are fouled up with weeds and sticks is a waste of that valuable angling time.
The kid’s tip of the week is to get them ready for life by allowing them to struggle some. After telling a kid how to play a big fish, sometimes you have let them lose a few before they connect the directions with their actions. While we always want to see our grandkids and kids succeed, bumps in the road make us pay attention more and improve our technique to better prepare for what comes later in life. And that is not just about fishing.
Your safety tip of the week is to strap on our patience, helpfulness and friendliness as we welcome the crowds of visitors to our beautiful valley!
Pictured: 5/24/14 - The Jackson Clan of Sumner, Issaquah and various other Western Washington locations with their mornings catch of Lake Chelan Mackinaw.
Also Pictured: 5/28/14 - The old man with a 12# Laker. Photo courtesy of grandson Jesse Ryan who reeled in a double while I got to play with this fish!
Finally Pictured: 6/6/14 - Darrell & Dad's CFO, Sandra Jones of Manson with a nice 3 pound Omak Lake Lahontan Cutt
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